The graduation service for our Bible schools and seminary will be held in March 2023 (exact dates yet to be determined). Each graduation is a great opportunity to celebrate the students’ accomplishments in the classroom and their ministry experience in the nearby villages.

Before each graduation we hold a special conference to help further equip the local field staff students. Many of the local field staff will stay for the graduation so they can offer their prayer support to each graduate.

It will cost $1,500 for the conference and graduation service at each center. These costs include tent rentals, invitations, graduation diplomas and gowns, transportation for the pastors, speaker expenses, and a gift of a Bible for each graduate. We also provide lunch for everyone since in many cases the relatives and other attendees have to travel a long distance to join in the celebration.

The seminary graduation cost is $5,500 as we expect over 1,000 people to attend plus we have about 5 times the graduates as any of the regional bible centers.

I humbly ask you to give a special gift to help with the Training Center graduation services and Conferences. You can give online using the link below. Whatever amount God leads you to give will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your help!

If you would like any more information, please contact the office at (847) 265-0630. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Gratefully in Christ,

Dr. Saji K. Lukos