Parents across India, especially those in underdeveloped villages, struggle to provide for their families. Children grow up illiterate, uneducated and taught that they are worthless. In cities, they grow up in slums. More than 20 million boys and girls are trapped in social evils like child labor and prostitution, in order to support their families. Many of the children are orphaned or abandoned. Daily living presents unimaginable challenges for those who are orphaned and abandoned. Even for the children who do have parents, these parents are often unable to provide for them.

A UNICEF report says that 147 million children in India live in unhealthy surroundings; 77 million do not use drinking water from a tap; 85 million are not being immunized; 27 million are severely underweight; and 33 million have never been to school. India has one-third of the world’s malnourished children. Every third newborn child in India is underweight, having the risk of impaired health and brain development. 160,000 infants die every year, in Maharashtra alone, owing to malnutrition particularly in the rural, tribal, and urban slum areas.

We started with one Mercy Home, in the state of Maharashtra, and, now, we have over 500 children supported in our Mercy Home, Helping Hands, and Child Development Center Programs all over India. RIMI provides the children with boarding and lodging, education, school supplies, and job skills. Most importantly, we provide a Christian atmosphere for them to grow up in. We help children to survive and have hope for the future.

Our sponsorship programs offer the unique opportunity to change the life of an impoverished child from one of despair to one of hope. Your donation helps make a difference every day. In the last twenty years, we have taken care of more than 20,000 children, and thousands of families have found faith in Christ. When children are educated and nurtured, families experience Christ’s love.

With the donation you give, we provide children 365 days of boarding and lodging, education (in the public or private school), uniforms, books, and other materials needed for school. They are trained to read the Bible and pray every day. More than anything, they accept Jesus as their personal Savior.

When you sponsor a child, you will receive a welcome pack and a monthly newsletter by email. You can monitor the child’s progress firsthand through annual updates, photos, and, in many cases, personal letters and drawings. As a sponsor, your tax-deductible donation each year provides a unique opportunity to transform the life of a child and win the child for Christ.

It takes only $35 per month to make a huge difference in a child’s life. Together, we have the opportunity to change the future of a child. You can make a choice today that will change a life forever. Jesus said, “Whatever you did to these little ones, you did to me.”

IMPORTANT NOTE: All child sponsorship support goes into the General Children’s Fund. These funds are then used to support the children in our programs based on their needs.