Bringing Water, Breakthroughs and Hope in South Asia.

Please join with us in showing the love of Christ through good deeds.

Through our partnership with Mission India, RIMI’s clean water ministry is delivering clean, disease-free water to families across India because of people like you.

Millions in Asia are without clean water

4 million people die each year from water-related diseases.

That’s almost the entire city of Los Angeles, CA. Diarrhea is the second leading cause of death among children under five in the world. Around 1.5 million deaths a year, nearly one in five, are caused by diarrhea, which kills more children than malaria, AIDS, and measles combined. Globally, women spend 200 million hours a day collecting water. This is equivalent to building 28 Empire State Buildings each day.

People Are Thirsty

Water shortages continue to be an issue, especially during the hot months between the monsoon rains. A worker in a village of Maharashtra, India stated, “The real drought will come in the summer days…We have to wait almost six and a half months for the rain to come.”

Not far away, worker ABK spoke of the water shortage his people faced. “In the summer especially, the people here would bring water from the other villages,” he says. “The nearest village is at least four miles away.”

A Wise Investment

Mission India is able to drill a well for only $2,500. When drilling a well, Mission India hires a local contractor. Because that same contractor will be hired to drill a large number of wells, he will give a lower price per well. Additionally, most contractors in India use simple equipment to drill and install wells, so their costs are low from the start.

The Lord has used these wells profoundly. The water is freely offered to all, regardless of their religious background. But His love, demonstrated so clearly through these wells, makes such an impression on the people’s hearts that many choose to follow Him.

Well Benefits

A well provides pure water for an entire village full of thirsty people for only $2,500. With clean water, the health of the people improves significantly.

Since a well is drilled deep into the ground, it is less likely to dry up during the hot summers. Through the provision of clean water, villagers are open to hearing about the God who loves them and provides for their needs.

Wells are operated and supervised under the leadership of a local church. They will take care of the regular maintenance and follow up for evangelism.