RIMI USA can receive credit card donations from Canada, and elsewhere, as a non-profit organization. However, we will not be able to issue a tax receipt outside the USA. If you need a tax receipt, and you are in Canada, please use this link (https://abundant.co/multinationmissionsf/RIMI) to go to the Multi-Nation Missions Foundation (MMF) donation page for RIMI.
Multi-Nation Missions Foundation
P.O. Box 2401, STN A
Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 4X3
Email: info@mmf1985.org
Phone: 604-746-6866
Make sure to write RIMI on the memo line.
RIMI USA is partnering with MMF (https://multinationmissions.org) for processing donations in Canada. After 6% administration, MMF will send the funds to our partner in India (Mission India) for the ministry work.